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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Women deserve more respect

Despite sustained campaigns against gender-based violence and discrimination against women, most Tanzanians still consider the female of the species inferior to men.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Dewji Blog

10 years ago


Women rightfully deserve empowerment not hand

Women rightfully deserve empowerment not hand-outs
Daily News
TODAY marks another day when women all around the globe commemorate Women's Day. If there is anything they should celebrate today; it is the fact that they are our women. Women in third world countries, Tanzania inclusive, have to contend with the fact ...


11 years ago


Katiba should respect us, say women activists

Women’s rights activists want the new constitution to respect the dignity of women and protect them from all forms of gender-based violence.


10 years ago


DEAR DIARY: Where is the respect for women?

>It was just last week when I wrote about street harassment. I talked about two videos I had seen, one was of a male journalist in Egypt who disguised himself as a woman. He experienced physical and verbal abuse.


10 years ago


Women Like Ambassador Amina Salum Ali Deserve Space in Our Media

Women Like Ambassador Amina Salum Ali Deserve Space in Our Media
Ms Amina Salum Ali is the current African U n i o n Ambassador to the United States. As the African Union's first female ambassador, this Zanzibar-born lady is committed to promoting women's rights and children's issues. She is the founder of the Zanzibar ...


10 years ago


As Tanzania’s linguistic heartbeat, Kiswahili, deserves high respect respect

The late Prof Ali Mazrui stated in the book The Power of Babel: Language and Governance in Africa: “One out of every five black people on earth has a European language for a mother tongue.” Mazrui then proceeded to show how English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish dominate the African linguistic landscape.


11 years ago


They too deserve to live

Reports that there are over 170 children living with HIV in Ilemela and Nyamagana districts who do not receive any medical attention are cause for great concern, to say the very least.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Teachers deserve more

>Tomorrow is Teachers’ Day and it will be celebrated at national level in Kagera Region. As we mark this day, we should reflect on the plight of our teachers countrywide. We may have ward secondary schools virtually countrywide, but what those schools produce at the end of the learning cycle is often devastating.


11 years ago


I deserve more recognition - Toure

Manchester City's Yaya Toure thinks he is not regarded as one of the best players on the planet because he is from Africa.



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