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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


TMEP sexual rights instruction cuts down pregnancies

TMEP sexual rights instruction cuts down pregnancies
Prevalence of early pregnancies and cases of dropping out among adolescents in primary and secondary schools in Sumbawanga municipality has gone down by 58 percent in the past two years, an activist organization has stated. George Mutasingwa, the ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Dewji Blog

Mradi wa TMEP wafanikiwa kuwabadilisha tabia Wanaume Manyoni


Mganga mkuu wilaya ya Manyoni mkoa wa Singida, Dk.Rahim Hagai, akifafanua jambo kwa timu iliyokuwa inafanya tathimini juu ya utekelezaji wa mradi wa ushiriki sawa wa wanaume katika afya ya uzazi na ujinsia.

Na Nathaniel Limu, Manyoni

WANAUME mkoani Singida, endapo watashiriki kikamilifu usawa wa afya ya uzazi na ujinsia, hatua hiyo itasaidia kupunguza vifo vya akina mama wajawazito na watoto wachanga kwa asilimia 80, imeelezwa.

Utabiri huo umetolewa na mganga mkuu wa wilaya ya Manyoni...


10 years ago


Let English be medium of instruction

Tanzania is among a few countries in Africa, which is graced with a language that can be used by almost all its inhabitants as a national language that can also be used as medium of instruction. Kiswahili, which is a Bantu oriented, but substantially borrowed a lot from other foreign languages happens to be an original language of Tanzanians unlike other African countries, which use foreign languages that came with colonisers.


10 years ago


No to pupil pregnancies

A total of 808 girls in Rukwa Region dropped out of school in four years due to pregnancy. This is unacceptable. The statistics work out to 202 girls whose prospects for a good future have been nipped in the bud each year.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Wanaume wengi waoga kusindikiza wake zao Kliniki — TMEP


Meneja mawasiliano wa mradi wa ushiriki sawa wa wanaume katika masuala ya afya ya uzazi na ujinsia unaofadhiliwana shirika lisilo la kiserikali la nchini Sweden (Sweden association for sexual education-RFSU), Eugenia Msasanun akifuatilia uendeshaji wa mafunzo kwa waandishi wa habari 35 wa mikoa ya Singida na Rukwa yaliyomalizika jana mjini Iringa.

Na Nathaniel Limu, Iringa

WANAUME nchini wameshauriwa kuondokana na mawazo potofu kwamba kliniki ni kwa ajili ya wanawake pekee, badala yake...


10 years ago

Daily News

Kwahili proposed as language of instruction

Daily News
Kwahili proposed as language of instruction
Daily News
THE new education policy highlights the importance of Kwahili as the medium of instruction in all learning institutions in the country, Parliament learnt on Friday. Deputy minter for Education and Vocational Training, Jennter Mhagama told leglators here that ...


11 years ago


Do we really have a medium of instruction in our education system?

Do we really have a medium of instruction in our education system?
Language is a mimic manifestation built in a very complex psychological database built in children by mothers and the immediate environment. It is an intuitive tool that shapes someone's knowledge and skills. It is the one that shapes one's attitudes as one ...


10 years ago


LANGUAGE:Let English be medium of instruction - 2

 Let me first outline the reasons, which I think English should be preferred to Kiswahili when it comes to deciding, which language should be used for teaching schoolchildren.


10 years ago

Daily News

DC outlines causes for early pregnancies

DC outlines causes for early pregnancies
Daily News
MORAL decay, poverty, bad traditions and practices as well as the effects brought by globalisation are key factors for teens' pregnancy at secondary schools in the country. The statement was made in a speech by Temeke District Commissioner (DC), Ms ...


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Shirika la TMEP lasaidia kupunguza mimba kwa watoto wa shule Singida


Afisa ufuatiliaji TMEP makao makuu jijini Dar-es-salaam, George John akizungumza kweye hafla ya kukabidhi nradi wa ushiriki sawa wa wanaume katika masuala ya afya ya uzazi na ujinsia kwa viongozi wa tarafa ya Nkonko wilaya ya Manyoni pamoja na kata zake kwa ajili ya kuuendeleza. Kwa mujibu wa George, mradi huo umesaidia kuondoa mimba mashuleni kwa kiwango kikubwa. Kulia ni afisa kutoka shirika la YMCA, Msuya na kushoto ni diwani wa kata ya Heka tarafa ya Nkonko. DSC04482 Baadhi ya waratibu wa...



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