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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Wasira, Nchemba join the battle as CCM’s list grows

Minister for Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives Stephen Wasira and Finance deputy minister Mwigulu Nchemba said at different venues that they were eying the top post to serve Tanzanians and improve their lives.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

Zanzibar presidential candidate list grows longer

Zanzibar presidential candidate list grows longer
Daily News
THE number of presidential candidates on the Isles increased on Saturday after the Chama cha Ukombozi wa Umma (CHAUMA) political party announced Mr Mohammed Masoud Rashid as their flag bearer, should he be accepted by the Zanzibar Electoral ...


10 years ago

What We Will Do While At Ikulu

Wasira, Nchemba

Wasira, Nchemba - What We Will Do While At Ikulu
Mwanza and Leonard Mwakalebela — AGRICULTURE, Food Security and Cooperatives Minister Stephen Wasira and Deputy Minister for Finance Mwigulu Nchemba declared their presidential bids on CCM ticket, vowing to fight corruption and revolutionise ...
More CCM aspirants announce their quest for presidencyIPPmedia

all 5


9 years ago


Frustration grows in Dodoma over missing names on voters’ list

The cloud of mistrust and fear  shrouding the voting process darkens as  prospective voters fail to locate their names  on the list of voters pinned at registration centres.


10 years ago

Daily News

Wasira, Nchemba: What we will do while at Ikulu

Wasira, Nchemba: What we will do while at Ikulu
Daily News
AGRICULTURE, Food Security and Cooperatives Minister Stephen Wasira and Deputy Minister for Finance Mwigulu Nchemba declared their presidential bids on CCM ticket, vowing to fight corruption and revolutionise the country's agricultural sector.


5 years ago

Jakarta Post

Kenya, Ethiopia join expanding list of African states with coronavirus - The Jakarta Post

Kenya, Ethiopia join expanding list of African states with coronavirus - The Jakarta Post  Jakarta PostKenya confirms first Coronavirus case -VIDEO  The Citizen DailyCoronavirus spreads to 18 African nations, including Kenya and Ethiopia  CNAAvoid handshake to curb coronavirus spread, Raila now tells Kenyans  The StandardRASNA WARAH - Manufacturing Non-Dissent: Is the Media in Kenya Really Free?  The ElephantView Full coverage on Google News


10 years ago


Wasira: Warioba alinikimbiza CCM 1995

Waziri wa Nchi, Ofisi ya Rais (Uhusiano na Uratibu), Stephen Wasira amesema mgogoro wake na Jaji Joseph Warioba uliotokana na kura za maoni ndani ya CCM katika Uchaguzi Mkuu wa mwaka 1995, ndiyo uliomsukuma kujitoa chama tawala na kujiunga na NCCR-Mageuzi.


10 years ago


Wasira: Ilani ya CCM iko mbioni kukamilika

Waziri wa Kilimo, Chakula na Ushirika, Steven Wasira aliyepewa jukumu la kuandaa Ilani ya CCM kwa ushirikiano na timu ya watu 23 wa chama hicho itakayotumia kwenye kampeni za uchaguzi wa mwaka 2015 hadi 2020, amejitokeza na kusema kazi hiyo ipo ukingoni kukamilika.


11 years ago

Dewji Blog

Wasira aongoza mazishi ya kada wa CCM Singida


Makamu Mwenyekiti wa CCM (Bara) Philip Mangula (kushoto) akiwasikiliza Wazee waasisi wa CCM kutoka mkoani Singida, Kutoka kulia ni  Sumbu Galawa, Alhaji Mahami Rajabu Kundya (ambaye ni marehemu) na  Mujengi Gwao Makamu, walipomfikishia ujumbe wao maalum, katika Ofisi Ndogo ya Makao Makuu ya CCM, Lumumba jijini Dar es Salaam, Januari 15, 2013.(Picha na Maktaba)

Na Nathaniel Limu

Waziri Ofisi ya Rais Mahusiano na Uratibu, Stephen Wasira juzi ameongoza mamia ya wakazi wa mkoa wa Singida katika...



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