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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Govt collects factory data for 5yr plan

>An industrial production survey is going on to enable the government to have data for the 2015/16-2020/21 development plan.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


NIMR collects data on dengue fever outbreak

Following the recent outbreak of Dengue fever in Tanzania, the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) has completed data collection as a first step in researching on the disease.


11 years ago


Govt move to retake Mponde tea factory pleases farmers

Tea farmers in Bumbuli, Lushoto District have expressed their joy over government’s decision to retake Mponde Tea Factory.


10 years ago

Daily News

NBS touts open data system to enhance transparency in govt

NBS touts open data system to enhance transparency in govt
Daily News
THE National Bureau of Stattics (NBS) Director of Population and Social Stattics, Mr Ephraim Kwesigabo, has said that availability of an open data system in the country was important in increasing government transparency and involvement of the people in ...


10 years ago


Govt in plan to recall teachers

The government plans to recall excess teachers in secondary schools so that they can teach in primary schools which are short of teachers.


11 years ago


Govt should think outside box in budget plan

Tomorrow Tanzanians will know how their lives are going to change in the next one year. The Finance Minister, Saada Mkuya, will deliver a 2014/15 Budget, which will, ambo other things, outline tax measures, which the government intends to implement in the next financial year.


9 years ago


MARKET DATA REVIEW : Case for govt role in capital markets development

There are only 15 domestic companies listed in our local stock exchange; this number stands unfavourably when compared to over 30 companies listed in Ghana, over 60 companies in Kenya, over 250 companies in Nigeria, over 360 companies in Egypt and over 450 in South Africa.


11 years ago


Govt embarks on new plan to retain teachers

Govt embarks on new plan to retain teachers
To bridge the science teachers' gap in the country the government is working on a scholarship programme for high school graduates seeking to pursue science subject in the education faculty. Through the programme, the graduates will receive full ...


9 years ago


Govt vows to streamline PPP plan

The government has vowed to tackle all the challenges that hinder execution of projects under partnership deals between the public and private sectors.


11 years ago


Govt unveils new plan to improve maternal health

All regions in the country will now be rated periodically on progress to reduce the death of mothers and their newborns as the country attempts to beat next year’s Millennium Development Goals deadline.



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