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Karamagi displeased with party polls results

Karamagi displeased with party polls results
Daily News
FORMER Minister for Energy and Minerals and Bukoba Rural legislator, Mr Nazir Karamagi, said he does not accept the results announced by the Bukoba District Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Secretary, Mr Moris Adrian, citing several irregularities that ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Initial results suggest ruling party candidate leads Tanzania polls

Initial results suggest ruling party candidate leads Tanzania polls
January Makamba, the spokesman for the ruling CCM, said preliminary election results showed that the party has already garnered victory in 176 constituencies out of the total number of 264 constituencies countrywide. Seif Sharif Hamad from the ...


9 years ago


Party agents have accepted the results: observers

Eighty-nine per cent of 9,000 observers of the Coalition on Election Monitoring and Observation in Tanzania (CEMOT) yesterday reported that party agents at polling centres have agreed on official results.


10 years ago


Botswana's ruling party wins polls

The ruling Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) wins the general elections for the world's largest diamond producer with 33 of the 57 seats.


9 years ago


ELECTION SEASON FUN : US party buried due to slim polls victory prospects

Boring people have their advantages, like when you are almost incurably bored, and may die. It would be somewhat hilarious for a relative to tell people at the grave-side, that Mr Fulani died of boredom! So, a boring person can cheer up your sunken spirits by narrating tales that have neither head nor tail.


10 years ago


Rweikiza, Karamagi waigawa CCM Bukoba Vijijini

Vumbi la kuwania ubunge wa Jimbo la Bukoba Vijijini, limeanza kutimka hata kabla ya filimbi kupulizwa baada ya wanaotajwa kuwania nafasi hiyo pamoja na wapambe wao kuanza maandalizi kwa kasi.


10 years ago


Rweikiza atumia chopa kumfuata Karamagi Bukoba

 Uhasama wa kisiasa unaonekana kushika kasi Jimbo la Bukoba Vijijini baada ya Mbunge wake, Jasson Rweikiza kuamua kutumia chopa kufanya mikutano maeneo ambayo Mbunge wa zamani, Nazir Karamagi amepita hivi karibuni.


10 years ago


Big Results Now rings in spectacular exam results

Zanzibar. Some 98.87 per cent of Form Six finalists who sat their national examinations earlier in the year have passed, the National Examinations Council of Tanzania (Necta) announced here yesterday.


9 years ago

Voice Of America

Tanzania Opposition Party to Take Ruling Party to Court

Voice of America
Tanzania Opposition Party to Take Ruling Party to Court
Voice of America
Tanzania's main opposition party, Chadema, says it will file a lawsuit Monday against the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) and its presidential candidate John Magufuli after accusing them of “stealing” the party's symbols, logo and manifesto. This, the ...



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