
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


‘Letter bomb DED’ resumes duty

>Iramba District executive director Ms Halima Mpita has spoken for the first time since unknown people targeted her life by using a letter bomb at the end of last month.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Security tightened as Kampala twin bomb trial case resumes

Kampala, Monday. Security is tight at the High Court of Kampala-Criminal Division as the trial of 11 twin bomb suspects resumes.


11 years ago

Daily News

Bunge resumes on Monday

Bunge resumes on Monday
Daily News
THE National Assembly resumes on Monday where members of parliament are expected to continue with debate on the Ministry of Transport budget estimates. After the question and answer session, shadow minister, Mr Moses Machali and the Parliamentary ...


10 years ago


Walimu wamvaa DED

WALIMU na viongozi wa Chama cha Walimu Tanzania (CWT) wilayani Kigoma Vijijini wamevamia ofisi ya Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Halmashauri ya Wilaya ya Kigoma na kufunga lango kuu la kuingia na kutoka katika ofisi za Halmashauri hiyo kwa saa tatu.


10 years ago


Ofisi ya DED yateketea

JENGO la Ofisi ya Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Halmashauri ya wilaya ya Kibondo limeteketea kwa moto.


9 years ago


RC Kilimanjaro amuokoa DC, DED

MKUU wa Mkoa wa Kilimanjaro, Amos Makala amewaokoa mkuu wa wilaya ya Mwanga, Shaibu Ndemanga na mkurugenzi wa halmashauri hiyo, Jamuhuri Wiliam kutoathiriwa na hasira za wananchi waliokuwa wakishinikiza serikali kuweka matuta katika barabara kuu ya Dar kwenda Moshi, eneo la Kileo wilayani Mwanga kwa madai ya kuchoshwa na ajali za mara kwa mara.


10 years ago


Pistorius sentencing hearing resumes

The sentencing hearing for South African athlete Oscar Pistorius is due to resume for a fourth day at a court in Pretoria.


9 years ago


Fifth President's Scrutinised Term Resumes

Fifth President's Scrutinised Term Resumes
Dar es Salaam — A formidable task lies ahead of John Mugufuli, who has been inaugurated at the fifth President of Tanzania. For the first time in the history of the East African country, the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) has faced its biggest ...
John Magufuli Becomes Tanzaniaâ Ã-s Fifth PresidentPrensa Latina

all 3


10 years ago


Eala resumes next week after standoff

>After a tumultuous 2014 which saw the removal of former Speaker and election of a new one, the East African Legislative Assembly (Eala) will meet here next week to deliberate on outstanding bills.


11 years ago


NIDA resumes issuance of IDs

NIDA resumes issuance of IDs
The National Identification Authority (NIDA) has resumed issuance of the long awaited national identity cards to Dar es Salaam residents. This comes after the issuance of 46 national identity cards to the President and other top government officials, followed ...



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