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Makhubu is a big media hero meriting praise deserving prais

 Many times we have to write letters of good wishes and congratulation on various occasions. Sometimes we write issues that touch the soft heart of recipient.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago

Raia Tanzania

Bheki Makhubu: Mwandishi anayesifika kwa ujasiri Swaziland

JUNI 30, mwaka huu Mahakama Kuu ya Swaziland  ilimwachia huru mwandishi wa habari, Bheki Makhubu aliyekuwa anatumikia kifungo gerezani baada ya upande wa mashitaka kuamua kutokupinga uamuzi wake wa kukata rufani dhidi ya kifungo chake.

Makhubu, ambaye ni mhariri wa jarida la kila wiki la The Nation, alikamatwa na kufunguliwa mashitaka ya kuidharau mahakama na kuukashifu mfumo mzima wa mahakama nchini humo.

Mashitaka dhidi ya mwandishi wa habari huyo yalihusiana na makala aliyokuwa...


11 years ago


Become a media expert with certified courses from the Raida School of Journalism and Media Studies.

Contact us today: 0788 499 556, 0719 293 363, 0786 122 471,


5 years ago

Bandera County Courier

Global Media Monitoring Tools Market Analysis 2020 Digimind, Boomerang, Kantar Media CIC, NoLimit, iSentia, Synthesio, Dialogix

Global Media Monitoring Tools Market Analysis 2020 Digimind, Boomerang, Kantar Media CIC, NoLimit, iSentia, Synthesio, Dialogix  Bandera County Courier


9 years ago

Poaching Task Force

In Praise of Anti

The Straits Times
In Praise of Anti-Poaching Task Force
THE success of a covert anti-poaching operation by the National and Transnational Serious Crimes Investigation Unit (Task Force) can't be more telling following the arrest of the 'Ivory Queen', Yang Feng Glan. Poaching has been a thorn in the flesh ...
Wildlife activists praise arrest of Chinese womanIPPmedia
Will arrest of the 'Queen of Ivory' dent illegal ivory trade?Christian Science Monitor
Chinese 'ivory queen' charged in...


10 years ago


Cricketers get hero’s welcome

>A warm welcome greeted the national youth cricket team’s arrival from Lusaka, Zambia where they won the 2014 Pepsi International Cricket Council (ICC) of Africa Under-19 Division Two title.


10 years ago


Big Brother Africa ‘Hot Shots’ kufanyika Uingereza kwenye nyumba ya ‘Big Brother ya UK’?

Kuna habari mpya zinazosema kuwa kuna uwezekano shindano la Big Brother Africa ‘Hot Shots’ likahamishiwa jijini London, Uingereza baada ya nyumba ya Afrika Kusini iliyokuwa imeandaliwa kwaajili ya msimu wa tisa kuungua wiki iliyopita na kupelekea uzinduzi uliokuwa umepangwa kufanyika Jumapili iliyopita (September 7) kuahirishwa. Taarifa hiyo ambayo bado haijathibitishwa imetolewa kupitia ukurasa rasmi wa […]


10 years ago


Big walls can cause big problems

The problems that come from building mega walls


9 years ago


Lowassa gets hero’s welcome in Monduli

Police and other security officers had a difficult time to control hundreds of thousands of Monduli residents who turned out at Police grounds here to welcome Chadema presidential candidate, Mr Edward Lowassa for a campaign rally in his home constituency.


10 years ago


Give more to Tanzanite hero

Tanzania is not particularly good at honouring its heroes and heroines, so we get excited whenever there is an opportunity for us to make amends. 



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