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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Nape declares CCM stand in Assembly

It is now official. Members of the Constituent Assembly (CA) drawn from CCM and those with a leaning towards it will defend the ruling party’s stand on the Union structure.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Nape to stand for House seat in Lindi, Muhongo in Musoma

The ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Publicity and Ideology secretary, Mr Nape Nnauye, was among 33 CCM cadres who collected nomination forms to vie for parliamentary seats in eight constituencies in Lindi region.


10 years ago


Exodus hasn’t shaken us, CCM chief declares

The ruling party in Arusha Region has said it has not been affected by the exodus of its civic leaders to the leading opposition party, Chadema.


9 years ago


Kasi ya Rais Magufuli ikahamia kwa waziri wa michezo Nape kafanya maamuzi haya kwa Stand United (+Audio)

Ikiwa ni siku 13 zimepita toka Rais wa awamu ya tano wa Jamhuri wa Muungano wa Tanzania, Dk John Pombe Magufuli atangaze baraza la mawaziri na kuanza, kwa siku 13 toka Nape Nnauye apata dhamana ya kuwa waziri wa michezo sanaa na utamaduni amemaliza mgogoro ambao huenda ungeiua Stand United na fedha za udhamini kupotea […]

The post Kasi ya Rais Magufuli ikahamia kwa waziri wa michezo Nape kafanya maamuzi haya kwa Stand United (+Audio) appeared first on TZA_MillardAyo.


11 years ago


CCM reads Riot Act to its members in Katiba Assembly

CCM spent three hours on Sunday reading the Riot Act to its members in the Constituent Assembly, insisting that they were duty-bound to defend party interests during debates.


10 years ago


Nape: Hatumshambulii mtu CCM

KATIBU wa Itikadi na Uenezi wa Halmashauri Kuu ya CCM, Nape Nnauye, amesema mawaziri na watendaji wa serikali wanaotajwa kushindwa kutekeleza Ilani ya Uchaguzi ya Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM) hawashambuliwi kwa majina yao bali dhamana walizokabidhiwa.
Akihutubia maelfu ya wananchi kwenye uwanja wa Sheikh Amri Abeid jijini hapa juzi wakati wa kuhitimisha ziara ya Katibu Mkuu wa CCM, Abdulrahman Kinana, alisema wapo baadhi ya watendaji walioanza kupotosha utendaji wa CCM...


10 years ago


CCM majority National Assembly passes disputed Petroleum Act

CCM majority National Assembly passes disputed Petroleum Act
With a very low representation and at least two more opposition legislators walking out, the National Assembly yesterday endorsed the heavily contested Petroleum Act, 2015. CCM Members of Parliament, who are for the bill, commended the government ...


11 years ago


On eve of Katiba Assembly, CCM agitates for two-tier government [VIDEO]

Nape Nnauye says his party believes adopting a three-governments structure is unlikely to resolve any of the myriad problems inherent in the current governance structure.


11 years ago


CCM members set to defy party in Constituent Assembly meeting

Some Constituent Assembly (CA) members from CCM have vowed to reject the party’s official position of advocating a two-government union structure when the CA debates the draft constitution.



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