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Origins of the name "Massawe"

Basically Massawe has no meaning, but represent the society of pastoralists, traditional healers, agriculturalists etc. There are different sources, some information explains that Massawe were the legal specialists to Mangi (Chief) and they were experts in environments, particularly on rainfalls.
 As opposed to other developed nations, Tanzania has more that 100 tribes, reflecting an average of the same number of Mother Languages throughout the nation. However, with the influence of Mwalimu...


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Discover Your Ancestors Origins From The Shape Of Your Feet


A study claims you can tell your heritage from the shape of your feet, so take a look and discover where your ancestors originally came from.

Skeptical? Then here are some facts that can help support the feet shape / roots relation.

Fact 1: Human genome determine several physical factors as skin, hair and eye color, shape of body and limbs, and so many more from baldness to disease tendencies.

Fact 2: Human Morphology is heritage dependent. (anthropometry)

Fact 3: There are other studies...


9 years ago


INSIGHT: Oppression of African women -- The origins

Unbeknown to many, most of human history took place in Africa, where women were equal, if not superior, to men. For thousands of years, African societies were matriarchal and they prospered. By bringing an oppressive form of Colonial Christianity to Africa, Europeans replaced millennia of prosperous matriarchy with oppressive patriarchy.


5 years ago

Tech Times

Recently Discovered Blackhole M87 The Size of Our Solar System Reveals Our Universes Origins

Recently Discovered Blackhole M87 The Size of Our Solar System Reveals Our Universes Origins  Tech TimesM87’s Gargantuan Black Hole –“Unveils Light of the Entire Universe” (Weekend Feature)  The Daily Galaxy --Great Discoveries ChannelView Full coverage on Google News


9 years ago


Widow: How Massawe ‘robbed’ us

The widow of a tanzanite trader who was shot dead in 2011 has told the High Court of how a well-known city businessman Alex Machare, alias Alex Massawe, used forged documents to take over and sell her family’s multi billions shillings property located in an upmarket estate in Dar es Salaam.


11 years ago

Tanzania Daima

RC Massawe aipigania BUWASA

MKUU wa Mkoa wa Kagera (RC), Kanali mstaafu Fabian Massawe, amezicharukia taasisi, makampuni na watu binafsi wanaoshindwa kulipa bili za maji katika Mamlaka ya Majisafi na Majitaka ya Manispaa ya...


11 years ago

Tanzania Daima

CCM wamshtaki Massawe kwa JK

CHAMA Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), kimemshtaki kwa Rais Jakaya Kikwete, Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Kagera, Kanali Fabian Massawe, kikidai kuwa ndiye chanzo cha mgogoro kati ya Meya wa Manispaa ya Bukoba,...


11 years ago

Tanzania Daima

RC Massawe akemea wanaobagua wazee

MKUU wa Mkoa (RC) wa Kagera, Kanali mstaafu Fabian Massawe amewataka wahudumu wa afya kuacha tabia ya kuwabagua wagonjwa wenye kadi za bima ya afya, hususani wazee wakati wanapofika vituoni...


11 years ago

Tanzania Daima

Mwili wa Massawe wafanyiwa upasuaji

HATIMAYE upasuaji wa mwili wa marehemu Elneema Massawe anayedaiwa kuuawa kutokana na kipigo cha polisi umefanyika katika Hospitali ya Taifa Muhimbili kama walivyotaka ndugu wa marehemu. Akizungumza na Tanzania Daima ...


9 years ago


TPA Director General, Awadh Massawe,

TPA Director General, Awadh Massawe,
The government has incurred almost 48 bn/- of losses, caused partly by 11,884 containers and 2019 vehicles which had been cleared illegally at the Dar es Salaam port and wharfage. Wharfage is a charge assessed by a shipping terminal or port when goods ...
More rot exposed at Dar portDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)

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