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Politics: Arusha initiative planned without IGAD involvement

Radio Tamazuj
Politics: Arusha initiative planned without IGAD involvement
Radio Tamazuj
Facilitators of the recent Arusha initiative for intra-SPLM dialogue failed to notify IGAD mediators of their initiative until after it had already started, a diplomatic source told Radio Tamazuj. Tanzanian ruling party Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) hosted a ...

Radio Tamazuj

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

Arusha bombers 'planned attacks' at gospel rally

Arusha bombers 'planned attacks' at gospel rally
Daily News
A GOSPEL crusade rally which was to be staged in Arusha under the organization of the Mkombozi Revival Ministries of Mwanza, had been halted following reports that bombers planned to attack the gathering. The five day open-air meeting, which was to be ...


11 years ago


Arusha terror ‘is beyond tourism, politics’

 Home Affairs minister Mathias Chikawe said yesterday that recurrent bomb attacks in Arusha were acts of terrorism as new details suggested that the perpetrators had a wider agenda than just targeting the tourism sector.


9 years ago


POLITICS : Nyerere took us from one party to multiparty politics

A little more than 16 years have passed like so much water under the bridge since the founder of Tanzanian nationalism and iconic Satte President, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere (1922-99), perforce went to his maker on Octobeer 14, 1999 – leaving Tanzanians distressed, forlorn and near-distraught.


10 years ago

Led South Sudan Peace Talks Delayed Again


Radio Tamazuj
IGAD-led South Sudan peace talks delayed again
Radio Tamazuj
South Sudan's formal peace process facilitated by the East African Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) continues to be put on hold. After an adjournment for 'consultations,' the peace negotiations were initially scheduled to resume on 16 ...
South Sudanese Factions Meet for Peace TalksteleSUR English
Tanzanian leader meets S. Sudan
Warring S.Sudan leaders accept 'responsibility'...


11 years ago


IGAD kupeleka wanajeshi S. Kusini

Mataifa ya Afrika Mashariki yameidhinisha kupelekwa kikosi cha wanajeshi 5,500 nchini Sudan Kusini ili kumaliza mgogoro wa kisiasa ambao umekuwa ukiendelea kwa wiki kadhaa sasa.


11 years ago


IGAD kupatanisha mahasimu Sudan.K

Viongozi wa IGAD wanakutana kwa kikao maalum mjini Adis Ababa nchini Ethiopia kujadili mzozo wa kisiasa unaokumba taifa la Sudan Kusini.


10 years ago


IGAD yajadili Sudan Kusini

Marais wa Igad wanajadili mzozo nchini Sudan Kusini uliodumu kwa zaidi ya miezi saba sasa.


11 years ago


IGAD:Waangalizi kwenda S. Kusini

Shirika la kikanda la IGAD, limeamua kuwa waangalizi wanapaswa kwenda nchini Sudan Kusini kuhakikisha kuwa mkataba wa kusitisha mapiganop unatekelezwa.


10 years ago


Somalia yaandaa mkutano wa IGAD

Mawaziri wa mataifa ya Afrika mashariki wamekamilisha mkutano wao wa kihistoria katika mji mkuu wa Somali Mogadishu.



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