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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Reps decry distant fire and rescue services

Reps decry distant fire and rescue services
Daily News
THE Zanzibar government's plans to have more fire and rescue service stations on Unguja and Pemba islands remain unchanged, the House was informed on Tuesday. The Minister of State (Regional Administration and Special Departments), Mr Haji Omar ...
Council Mulls Use of Concrete Manhole

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Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

Reps decry slow pace of digital migration

Reps decry slow pace of digital migration
Daily News
MEMBERS of the Zanzibar House of Representatives have expressed dissatisfaction with the analogue-to-digital migration project in the isles. The migration project is being implemented by AGAPE Associates of Dar es Salaam, which won the tender by ...


10 years ago


Fire team reveals why it failed to rescue trapped family of six

The fire brigade yesterday explained their failure to combat the fire that gutted a house on Friday night at Kipunguni area in the city, killing six members of the same family.


10 years ago


Fikiri Salla, Fire and Rescue Force Acting Commissioner (Public Safety Division)

Fikiri Salla, Fire and Rescue Force Acting Commissioner (Public Safety Division)
Dar es salaam has a population of nearly five million but depends on only two fully fledged fire stations, which has severely crippled the Fire and Rescue Force's ability to respond effectively to disasters. As a result, the presence of the Fire and Rescue Force is ...


10 years ago


Give me friendly fire any time? But not military fire, please!

No doubt acting out of curiosity, a reader emailed to ask me what the heading to this column, ‘Friendly Fire From Yesteryears,’ is intended to portray. How can fire be friendly, the fellow asked - perhaps bearing in mind such episodes as the Great Fire of London in 1666!


5 years ago

Tech News Beats

Iot Engineering Services Market by 2027 Profiling Top Global Players like International Business Machines Corporation,Cognizant Aricent Inc.,Tata Consultancy Services

Iot Engineering Services Market by 2027 Profiling Top Global Players like International Business Machines Corporation,Cognizant Aricent Inc.,Tata Consultancy Services  Tech News Beats


5 years ago

Tech Explorist

Astronomers observed most distant blazar ever

Astronomers observed most distant blazar ever  Tech Explorist


5 years ago

Science Times

It's Raining Iron on a Distant Exoplanet

It's Raining Iron on a Distant Exoplanet  Science TimesAstronomers discover scorching hot planet where it rains liquid iron  CBS NewsThe strange planet where it rains iron  Boing BoingNewly discovered exoplanet has very unusual weather, astronomers say  AccuWeather.comSo Metal: This Exoplanet Rains Droplets of Molten Iron  Popular MechanicsView Full coverage on Google News


11 years ago

Daily News

EAC political federation still a distant dream

The Standard Digital News
EAC political federation still a distant dream
Daily News
IT is still a long way before the East African Community hatches its targeted political federation but setting up federal security forces such as an East African army or police force can always be considered, even on temporary basis. The Chairman of the East ...
President Kenyatta: EAC teamwork necessary in war on poachingIPPmedia
How Kenya took on the International Criminal CourtGlobalPost
Uhuru - Poaching,...


5 years ago


A light driven proton pump in distant relative

A light driven proton pump in distant relative



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