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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Tanzania gas pipe: finished but not in service

Energy Global
Tanzania gas pipe: finished but not in service
Energy Global
A pipeline connecting offshore natural gas fields to Tanzania's commercial capital Dar es Salaam is complete, but technical setbacks will keep it from going online until November, officials said yesterday. Tanzania estimates it has at least 53.28 trillion ft3 of ...

Energy Global

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Four oil, gas service firms secure EPZA nod

>The Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA) has entered into agreements with four firms for them to offer various services to multinational companies dealing with oil and gas exploration in Mtwara Region.


11 years ago


Lake Gas ltd launches an Innovative Product ,Tanzania gets its First Composite Gas Cylinders

LAKE GAS LTD - One of Tanzania’s fastest growing Marketing company, engaged in the importation and distribution of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), launched an innovative product – “COMPOSITE CYLINDERS” - the first of its kind in Tanzania.
In Tanzania, the usage of Metal cylinders has been the most prevalent up to now; henceforth a discerning consumer shall have a choice as to what type of cylinder best suits their family.
“This composite cylinder have very unique features, they are non...


10 years ago


Dar es Salaam. Tanzania finished overall winners at the ITF/CAT East and Central Africa Tennis Junior Championship, which ended on Sunday at the Dar es Salaam Gymkhana Club (DGC).

Dar es Salaam. Tanzania finished  overall winners at the ITF/CAT East and Central Africa Tennis Junior Championship, which ended on Sunday at the Dar es Salaam Gymkhana Club (DGC).


11 years ago


Oil, natural gas industry: the way forward for Tanzania TANZA Tanzania

The call by the Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF) and other Tanzanian stakeholders that a special arrangement be put in place to enable Tanzanian individuals and groups overcome the challenges arising from huge capital and costly risks experienced in the oil and natural gas exploration industry is timely.


9 years ago


Study on Bumbuli playground finished

Bumbuli will have a modern playground following the completion of a feasibility study and a design by experts commissioned by immediate former MP January Makamba who is seeking re-election.


11 years ago


Dar poised to become top pipe manufacturer

>Tanzania is set to become the first country in East and Central Africa to build a factory for manufacturing Glass Reinforced Pipes (GRP) that are able to pump heavy fluids such as petroleum, waste water and gas materials.



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