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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


TPC leadership needs to do more for Paralympics

TPC leadership needs to do more for Paralympics
Yesterday, the Tanzania Paralympic Committee (TPC) General Elections took place with today marking the first day in office for the incoming leadership. It has to be emphasized though the task facing the new administration is a daunting and arduous one: that ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Paralympics official calls for cooperation

Paralympics official calls for cooperation
Newly elected Tanzania Paralympics Committee (TPC) secretary general Patrick Sirungi said there first assignment in the office is to woo back local and international partners. Sirungi who is a qualified accountant said the will seek communication with the ...


9 years ago


Presidential Leadership Awards hosted by GPS and African Leadership Magazine

Fun and Inspiration, celebrating great leadership @ Presidential Leadership Awards hosted by GPS and African Leadership Magazine. In attendance : President Hage Geinbgob of Namibia, Vice President Isatou Njie Saidy of The Gambia representing the Head of State and other great leaders from United States Congress including Honorable John Lewis, Martin Luther King III, Hank Johnson and more. Congratulations once more to GPS and African Leadership Magazine and Thanks to the dynamic Ms Nene Barry...


9 years ago


TPC kuanzisha bustani ya wanyama

MENEJIMENTI ya kiwanda cha uzalishaji sukari cha TPC Ltd wilayani Moshi imeiomba serikali kuwapunguzia tozo ya wanyamapori ili waweze kuanzisha bustani ya wanyama ndani ya ardhi ya kiwanda hicho kama sehemu ya kukuza utalii.


11 years ago

Tanzania Daima

TPC: Tunaboresha huduma zetu

SHIRIKA la Posta Tanzania (TPC) limo katika hatua ya utekelezaji wa mpango wa miaka 10 ili kuendelea kuboresha huduma zake. Kaimu Masta Mkuu wa TPC, Fadya Zam, alisema hayo jana...


10 years ago


Majivu kukiponza Kiwanda cha TPC

Wakili wa kujitegemea wa mjini Moshi, Elikunda Kipoko ametishia kukishtaki Kiwanda cha Sukari cha TPC kwa madai ya uchafuzi wa mmazingira.


9 years ago


TPC yaidai Tanesco bilioni 2.9 za umeme

KIWANDA cha Uzalishaji Sukari (TPC) Ltd cha Moshi mkoani Kilimanjaro kinalidai Shirika la Umeme nchini (Tanesco) zaidi ya Sh bilioni 2.9 kama fedha za kuwauzia umeme unaozalishwa hapo na kuingizwa katika Gridi ya Taifa.


11 years ago


TPC set to start physical address system

TPC set to start physical address system
Tanzania Posts Corporation (TPC) has called for full cooperation from the public as it starts implementation of physical address and post code system in Dar es Salaam. The corporation's Acting General Manager Business Management, Fadya Zam, said ...


11 years ago

Daily News

TPC boss appeals over workers' salary arrears

TPC boss appeals over workers' salary arrears
Daily News
THE Postmaster General has gone to the Court of Appeal to challenge a refusal by the High Court to review its decision regarding payments of salaries arrears and other benefits to his former employees. The decision being sought to be challenged was ...


10 years ago

Uhuru Newspaper

TPC yaboresha huduma ya kutuma fedha kwa mitandao

SHIRIKA la Posta Tanzania (TPC), limesema liko mbioni kuboresha zaidi huduma zake ikiwemo ya kutuma fedha kwa mitandao ya simu, hatua ambayo itawezesha wananchi kutumia huduma za shirika hilo zitakazokuwa na ubora na unafuu kwa manufaa ya umma.
Pia limesema huduma za posta ni muhimu kwa maendeleo ya nchi yoyote duniani licha ya uwepo wa tekinolojia mbalimbali hususan barua pepe na simu za viganjani ambapo hata nchi zilizoendelea bado zinaendelea kutumia mawasiliano ya...



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