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Valcke downfall is new blow for Blatter

FIFA’s suspension of secretary general Jerome Valcke left world football reeling again from scandal on Friday and further weakened its president Sepp Blatter.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Fifa suspends Blatter, Platini & Valcke

Fifa provisionally suspends president Sepp Blatter, secretary general Jerome Valcke and Uefa chief Michel Platini for 90 days.


9 years ago

Dewji Blog

Blatter na Platini wafungiwa miaka 8 kutojihusisha na soka, Blatter achukua uamuzi huu


Na Rabi Hume, Modewjiblog

Rais wa Shirikisho la Dunia la Soka (FIFA), Sepp Blatter (kushoto) na Rais wa UEFA, Michel Platini wamefungiwa miaka 8 kutojihusiaha na soka na kamati ya maadili ya FIFA kwa kosa la kutumia mamlaka yao vibaya kwa kosa la matumizi mabaya ya fedha za FIFA.

Blatter na Platini wanadaiwa kuwa mwaka 2011, kugawiana pesa kiasi cha Euro Milioni 1.35 ambapo Blatter alimlipa Platini kama malipo kwa kazi ya kuwa mshauri wa Blatter mwaka 1999-2002.

Licha ya kuwafungia miaka...


10 years ago


Ufisadi:FIFA yamtetea Jerome Valcke

Shirikisho la kandanda duniani,FIFA, limekanusha madai kwamba katibu wao mkuu,Jerome Valcke,alihusika katika kashfa ya ufisadi ambapo hongo ya mamilioni ya dola ilitolewa.


9 years ago


FIFA yaanika siri za Jerome Valcke

Waendesha mashitaka wa Uswisi wamethibitisha kwamba shirikisho la soka duniani,FIFA ,limekubali kuweka wazi akaunti ya barua pepe mali ya Jerome Valcke.


9 years ago


Fifa yataka Valcke apigwe marufuku miaka tisa

Kamati ya maadili ya FIFA imependekeza katibu mkuu wa shirikisho hilo linalosimamia soka duniani Bw Jerome Valcke apigwe marufuku miaka tisa.


9 years ago


Ugali: The African Woman’s Downfall

“Both genders should know how to cook because neither feminism nor sexism will help you when you’re hungry.”


10 years ago


How ousted Zziwa orchestrated own isolation, downfall

>A report on the findings by a committee assigned to investigate allegations against the Speaker of the East Africa Legislative Assembly (Eala), Ms Margaret Zziwa,  indicates that she abused her powers and put the regional assembly in disrepute.


11 years ago


Ailing Simba plot downfall of Shooting

Simba SC will be looking to regain their winning formula when they host Ruvu Shooting in a Vodacom Premier League match at the National Stadium.


10 years ago

Daily News

Nnauye predicts CUF 'downfall' in Zanzibar

Daily News
Nnauye predicts CUF 'downfall' in Zanzibar
Daily News
CHAMA Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Ideology and Publicity Secretary, Mr Nape Nnauye, has claimed that CUF has laid the ground for its downfall for nodding to the formation of a government of national unity (GNU) in the Isles. Addressing a public rally in Mafia, ...



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